Życie jest chwilą, a śmierć wiecznością...
Wertuj±c różne miejsca w internecie, natkn±łem się na bardzo ciekawy artykuł z miesięcznika Znaki Czasu (The Sings of the Times) na temat "Dlaczego Jezus musiał umrzeć?"

Link do ang. wersji artykułu - http://www.signstimes.com...40019602401.645
tłumaczenie: Adam Gołębiewski

Why Jesus Had to Die
by Ginger Ketting-Welller

As a child, I was enchanted by postage stamps. I would watch my mother write a letter to her mother, fold it, put it in an envelope, lick the back of the colorful little piece of paper, and then stick it in the upper right-hand corner of the envelope. The stamp, she explained, would ensure that the letter got all the way to Grandma’s house. I begged to lick the stamp, and at times Mama would let me. But she also noticed that I longed to lick more stamps than were needed. Seeing the inevitable misbehavior beginning to loom, she warned me: “If you lick and stick stamps where they don’t belong, you’ll get a spanking.”
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