Życie jest chwilą, a śmierć wiecznością...

At one time the Pope owned three major banks in America, New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. In New York, St. Peter's banker Michael Sindona, ran the Franklin National Bank as a huge gambling device and money laundry. The bank collapsed in 1974 and was taken over by a group of European banks with the Vatican losing supposedly part of their grip.

Sindona was sent to an American prison for fraudulent banking. Later, he was extradited to Italy on more charges. He began talking too much. The Pope silenced him in an Italian jail---murdered with a poisoned cup of coffee. [See: "St.Peter's Banker", by Luigi DiFonzo.] By the way, the same method they used to murder Chicago's first black Mayor, Harold Washington, 1987 and replaced him as Mayor with the Vatican's "man of trust", Richie Daley, son of late Richard J. Daley who had been mayor for some 21 years. Harold when re-elected in 1987 said he was going to take over Commonwealth Edison, the local electric monopoly owned principally by the Vatican, and run it as municipal electricity at a very cheap price to Chicago residents. That was one of several motives to poison Harold Washington. We were the only ones publicizing it through our Cable TV Show later on.
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